2 definitions by Sheryl Crow's cancer

Jankstore - from the root word 'janky' & similar in spirit and context to a 'creepstore'. A person that personifies bad qualities. The master of janky. A person or place where only the poorest or worst things are distributed.
If you thought Jerry O'Connell was a janky motherfucker, you should meet his brother. That guy is an epic jankstore.
by Sheryl Crow's cancer November 13, 2010
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A Creepstore is a creepshow on acid or to the nth degree. The father of all creepshows is a creepstore. A Creepstore doesn't just act creepy or creep around like a creeper. A creepstore does all that a creepshow does but on a larger scale. A creepstore houses all of the deviant mentalities of a creepshow or creeper but worse.
Did you see that Creepstore in the black jeans with an erection listening to Nine in Nails with crumbs in his creepstache?
by Sheryl Crow's cancer November 13, 2010
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