3 definitions by Shelbymelby96

Sup Nod

Noun or verb depending on how it's used
The Sup Nod is the sudden up-down movement you make with your head when you see someone and wish to greet them, as if to say "Sup."
You can say "Sup" or "Wassup" or "Hey" as you do it.
You do not necessarily need to know the person to which you are giving the Sup Nod to. It's just a way to say hey.
The Sup Nod can also be used when you catch someone looking at you and you want them to stop.
Some use it as a way to let the shawties know you lookin
Shelby-Did you see Sydney at the party?
Mimi-Yea, she was with Karen. I gave 'em the Sup Nod.

Jamila-That weird boy is staring hard
Shelby-Just give him the Sup Nod

Kevin-Bruh, did you see that shawty over there?! I was tryna give her the Sup Nod.
Ishmael-Ay bruh she's coo
by Shelbymelby96 July 20, 2011
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The "chick" version of Broski. Broskitta is meant for only the closest of friends. Its not meant for just some random person you would see you the street. It's meant for someone you van tell errrrthang to. Broskittas are real and never fake. Keep your broskittas close, because if they are worthy of the name broskitta they will be broskittas for life!!!
YO! My broskitta from another Moskitta! Waz Good?!
by Shelbymelby96 July 28, 2011
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Staring Hard

When someone isn't just staring, but they are staring with an intense passion.
Staring hard can also be mean muggin
Shelby-Bruh, why are you staring hard at her?
Omar-I'm sorry she's just so pretty!
by Shelbymelby96 July 20, 2011
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