2 definitions by Sheeny_Weeney

A long, or Ingrown hair on a male scrotum. Can be singular or plural.
Wowie Cazowie, You have quite the scrotangulus scrotum you got there!
Ah dude! I got a scrotangulus on my scrote!
by Sheeny_Weeney June 6, 2018
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Parody of SWAG, Acronym for (S)ecretly (W)e (A)re (S)was: SWAS. Results in an infinite looping acronym, causing fissures in reality.
Bill: Hey dude did you know Swag stands for secretly we are gay?
Bob: Yeah man thats the oldest trick in the book, but have you heard of S.W.A.S?
Bill: No?? What does it stand for?
Bob: Secretly we are S.W.A.S.
Bill: That makes no sense...What does S.W.A.S mean??
*Reality Collapses*
by Sheeny_Weeney February 16, 2020
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