2 definitions by SeiRruf

The water used while one soaks in a bath, where ingredients normally include sweat, soap products, dirt, urine and occasionally specs of feces.
They say I make the best human soup. The real secret is waiting a week or two between baths. Adds flavor and excitement, without the need of adding additional salt.
by SeiRruf March 30, 2015
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A term describing the act of spending all the money you worked hard to earn on things you've been really looking forward to getting yourself, on another person, who's happiness and joy means more to you than any thing else money can buy.
I just got my girlfriend a fancy note worth of fun and exciting things for her birthday! I know it's already been 17 years, but that custom fursuit design can wait another couple months..
by SeiRruf January 25, 2018
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