3 definitions by Seg_x

Basically a blunt.
Overstuffed rillo.
Let me puff on this rillozilla for a moment please, nigga.
by Seg_x January 4, 2008
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1. The act of using sperm as butter on toast.
2. Saved sperm in a jar.

Lily sure loves her nutbutter, yea shes a freak.
by Seg_x January 4, 2008
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A Community for old person to retire in and die. Most the old person there still ride on 100s 24 inch rims with the 60-69 cars they had in college.
Im gonna go out to cleary and get high wit my granny.

Cleary Hieghts, I heard thats where the ol'folks kick it real.
by Seg_x January 4, 2008
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