6 definitions by ScrabbydyDoo

The man that scrabs, also known as the person who does the scrabbydy
The Scraberman gave me a scrab, now my legs have a scrabbydy
by ScrabbydyDoo January 7, 2021
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Someone very close to you that scrabs you
My scrabydear scrabed me, how sweet of her, but now I have a scrabbydy on my knee
by ScrabbydyDoo January 7, 2021
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A weird guy who defines all words that start with scrab
I'm a Scrabbydoo, and I have a scrab on my knee
by ScrabbydyDoo January 7, 2021
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A type of cum so sharp it gives you a scrab, or causes a scrabbydy
Your scraby-cum made me a scrabbydy on my knee
by ScrabbydyDoo January 7, 2021
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A deer who scrabs, leaving you a scrabbydy
A scrabydeer jumped out of the bush and scrabed me, leaving me with a scrabbydy on my knee
by ScrabbydyDoo January 7, 2021
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