2 definitions by Sconz
The driving creative genius behind Pink Floyd. He played bass, he wrote the songs, he wrote the lyrics, came up with the concepts, was the best singer, held together and then ripped apart the band, and (last but not least) was the only member of Pink Floyd to have any trace of personality and charisma. Yeah, he was somewhat of an asshole toward his former bandmates, but hey, when you're just THAT good, you are allowed to throw around a bit of ego. After he left the rest of Pink Floyd went on to cobble together a couple of half-assed albums that lacked any semblance of creative integrity. After Roger Waters left, Pink Floyd was reduced to a sprawling, bloated train wreck that was embarrassing to watch and listen to (think "Dogs of War"). Roger himself went on to release three of the most underrated albums ever. "Radio Kaos", "The Pros and Cons of Hitch-hiking", and "Amused to Death" are brilliant concept albums held together by great music and thoughtful lyrics. Unfortunately they will forever be absent from mainstream consciousness because they deal with subjects such as: human relationships, marriage and affairs, political engineering and the effect of technology on today's world, power struggles within society, the drive toward personal honesty, rather than deeper, more meaningful things people prefer such as: bitches, ho's and drugz.
Dude 1: Holy shit man, why are you walking around with a hard-on?? I can see it through your jeans!
Dude 2: Yeah, I'm listening to Roger Waters on my ipod, man. Step off.
Dude 2: Yeah, I'm listening to Roger Waters on my ipod, man. Step off.
by Sconz July 17, 2006
A grubby little rapper (or whatever) who is always on my tv. She appears to have a bad attitude and a lot of teen sass, but I'd still like to see her on the end of my dick.
by Sconz July 17, 2006