3 definitions by ScienceFairWinner

A electroprop engine is an electric motor that drives an aircraft propeller.
The electroprop engine on an aircraft is both quiet and emissions free .
by ScienceFairWinner April 25, 2021
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A regional airline that uses electric zero emissions aircraft to transport passengers over a route of less than 1500km ( 800 nm).
e-Regional airlines will change the future of air travel.
by ScienceFairWinner April 25, 2021
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A person who openly denies results published by the global scientific community and international aviation organizations such as ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization, a United Nations agency) on the emissions efficiency, safety and importance of aviation. Usually exaggerates aviation’s contribution to Global warming for economic or political reasons.
Greta Thunberg is an Aviation Denier, she refused to fly on environmental grounds.

Related words: Flygskam
by ScienceFairWinner January 21, 2021
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