10 definitions by Sam Cornwell

An abbreviation of "Shaking my head in despair".

Used in times when you really cannot believe what has happened. Perhaps used more to pity someones stupidness.
"Stu: I just got sacked from my job
Sam: HAHAHAH Why mate?
Stu: Because I created a Facebook group that slated the place.
Sam: you idiot, smhid".
by Sam Cornwell May 30, 2008
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Generally the first thing you get asked in an Indian takeaway.
Waiter: "Wujulykapopadom"
customer: "I'll have two"
by Sam Cornwell August 8, 2008
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Abusing a Facebook function where you can "like" a friend's status or wall activity.

Like raping would consist of liking at least the last 50 activity notes on any one person's profile page, resulting in a copious and rather annoying amount of activity notifications.
Michelle: I just logged on to Facebook and I had 843 notifications. What the hell is going on?
Lee: Haha, Sam must've like raped you.
Michelle: Yes he did. How annoying! Now all my important notifications are lost within this rubbish.

Faye: It's Michelle's birthday today. Are you going to bake her a cake?
Sam: No, I'm going to Facebook like rape her instead.
by Sam Cornwell June 20, 2009
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