1 definition by Sally’s Coochie

A sweet guy that’ll always have your back and is the most fun to be around in the friend group. He jokes around a lot and will play fight/tease you but also has a deeper side where he’ll listen to whatever you have to say-good or bad. Saying “never mind” and “it’s nothing” never pass for him because he’ll wanna know what’s wrong and will do anything to cheer you up. Really good at cuddle and loves playing with your hair/having his hair played with. Acts tough and will protect you but has a soft side and isn’t afraid to show his emotions to close friends.
Omg is that Daniel? He’s so funny!!

Julia: Danny what’s up?
Daniel: Stfu I hate you.
Julia: *fake cries*
Daniel: jk ily how was ur day
by Sally’s Coochie January 5, 2020
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