2 definitions by Salad kukui

A singular word used to describe a person with a large spectrum of mental disabilities and disorders
Okay doc, how is Jimmy?
Mrs Jenkins, I'm afraid he is an amourshipper
Dammit! I knew I should of given him up for adoption
by Salad kukui August 28, 2018
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An Edman Moment is when someone goes to any extent to prove their point.

Eg, Lying and spreading false information, False Flagging , making up non-existent terminology, nitpicking and reaching.

An Edman moment usually results in embarrassment and comedy to bystanders.

Post an Edman Moment most people will not take you seriously

A person having an Edman moment can simply be called "Edman"
"He really pissed me off with his Edman Moment"

"Ignore him, he's just having an Edman moment"
"He had a massive Edman Moment, he should really chill, it's not that deep"
by Salad kukui November 18, 2019
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