2 definitions by SOLOBURGERR

A crazy family who gets drunk all the time, love to party, will fight anyone who messes with their family. Will smoke a doobie with you anytime anywhere. Full of goofy, funny, and attractive people. Marry a Simpkins. Do it.
Guy 1: "yo who was that at the bar yesterday? That chick was crazy awesome."
Guy 2: "She was a Simpkins..."
Guy 1: "Cool bro what was her name?"
Guy 2: "She doesn't need a name. She's magical enough without it."
Guy 1: "I just jizzed in my pants."
by SOLOBURGERR January 5, 2018
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Cardoso is commonly a last name full of savages, and some bad ass pott heads.
Grandmother (to grandchild): Little one go find yourself a Cardoso.
Grandchild (to grandmother): Why must I
Grandmother: It's you're destiny...

(Grandmother dies)
by SOLOBURGERR January 5, 2018
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