4 definitions by SMSTUDENT

1. assist n. When one dude helps his buddy hook up with a lady friend.
"Danny's hookin' up with Lisa. I totally had the assist on that."
by SMSTUDENT March 9, 2005
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A phrase used by College Republicans to declare their right to say and write stupid things in class and still get good grades.
I wrote all about the Iraqi - al-Qaeda connection for my term paper and got a D! The professor is a LIBERAL! What happened to academic freedom?
by SMSTUDENT April 16, 2008
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1. n. A cafeteria filled with disabled illegal immigrants, and the food they serve gives you the shits.
I just ate the fries in Alliot and I had to haul ass to the shitter.
by SMSTUDENT December 13, 2004
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The car or "ride" in which a PIMP (like Mr.I) rides in.
That ghetto golf car that Mr.I rides in is so pimp!
by SMSTUDENT November 29, 2004
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