1 definition by SIUnitMaster

Fuckton means to have a lot of something, but the actual amount varies. To figure out how much is in a fuckton you must follow a few steps.

1. pick an item - ex) pretzels
2. make it singular - ex) pretzel
3. figure out how many letters in in that word - ex) 7
4. multiply that number by 144 - ex) 7x144= 1,008
5. it takes 1,008 pretzels to make a fuckton of them!

It varies because if the word were short like car, it would be 3x144= 432.

(This is not to be confused with shitload, which would be x6, not x144.)

babies -> baby -> 4 -> 4x144= 576 babies

trees -> tree -> 4 -> 4x144= 576 trees

stop signs -> stop sign -> 8 -> 8x144= 1,152 stop signs
by SIUnitMaster October 6, 2011
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