10 definitions by Rono

A man who loves to go down on women. To orally stimulate the clitoris or vulva with or without compassion i.e. cunnilingus. This expression may apply to those discriminating women who equally enjoy ravishing a muffin for Breakfast, Lunch or Sunday Brunch. Cocktail not included.
The first thing the Muffinman does after kissing his date is to go down on her and elevate the situation to another level. Wetworks!
by Rono January 15, 2007
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A man who loves to go down on women. To orally stimulate the clitoris or vulva with or without compassion (a djPauli technique) i.e. cunnilingus. This expression may equally apply to those discriminating womem who experience the rapture of consuming a hot buttered queef-flap prior to Breakfast, Lunch or Sunday Brunch. Cocktail & jam not included.
The first thing the Muffin man does after kissing his date is to go down on her while inserting his freshly manicured thumb plug up her bungpod for desired effect (unsterilized fishing hooks are not withstanding and special considerations are available upon request ). According to djPauli G, this method of snatch wrangling does have it's drawbacks. see: Wetworks, queef flap, Chumfume, spiritual rapture.
by Rono January 15, 2007
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spiritus raptus:

1- an expression of passion or ecstacy

2- the overwhelming emotions resulting from a devine or spiritual encounter.

3- a euphoric / mystical state of being
see: Sartre's definition of being, ref: Being and Nothingness c. 1965

4- the final assumption of Christians (oh shit, not another) into heaven
see: End of Day's: but only after Satan routes the internal organs out of the films heroine with his (totally circumsised) disembowling / glass shard spiked, strapped on (or not) man's man tool of an angelic Lardon! see: End of Day's again (sober)
see: The Devil's by Ken Russell (not sober)

Note: SR is not to be associated with, but similar to huffing on nitrogen gas.
don't see: huffing (it's played),
see: nitrogen narcosis weeeeeeeeeee! (to be thoroughly explored)
In the preparation of Jesus, Mary had experienced the spiritual rapture in coupling with her boy Joey from Brooklyn. *spiritus raptus my dick, yo!
by Rono January 20, 2007
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