1 definition by RockinSouls

An influence that interferes with or an interference that exerts influence on; “Interfluence;” any action observed as being interferingly influential or influentially interfering in the existence of any other species. Any suggestion,
form of advice, bias, prejudice, opinion or subliminal idea or ideal that could be observed as a cause of interference or influence is an interfluence.
This term cannot and should not be confused with interfluent (adjective), which is the flowing together merging into a single stream; or flowing between things or places from the mid 17th Century Latin present participle of interfleure; flow together.
Interfluence is the conjunction of the two nouns "interference" and "influence," where it is observed the either term or action cannot be separated from the other.

Further, the third person singular becomes interfluences;
Adjective - interfluencial;
Present Participle - interfluencing;
Past and Past Participle - interfluenced with interfluencer being the noun.
The bartender did not return the Drunk's car keys; his interfluence could have saved the man's life.
by RockinSouls April 26, 2022
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