4 definitions by River Ratty

A catholic, usually a woman, who in addition to being a devout catholic, believes in some combination of faeries, ghosts, ley lines, unicorns, crystal vibrations and certain other new agey stuff that might otherwise make someone think she's into wicca. These women tend to collect lots of crystals, and or figurines/statuettes. Purple and pastels are popular in this croud.
I ran into my high school girlfriend. Yeah, the one who used to believe in witchcraft and shit. Yeah, she calls herself a traditionalist catholic now, but she's really into unicorns. I guess she became a CRYSTAL CATHOLIC.
by River Ratty January 18, 2009
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Mills means mother. This may just be an NYC thing.
My mills is coming home at 6:00.

Bill's mills still skills the dills.
by River Ratty December 6, 2004
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A vibrator specifically purchased for the use of guests. Mine, currently, is a plug-in wand type of model.
If he doesn't have a hospitality vibrator in his house, he can't fuck.
by River Ratty May 13, 2021
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adj. Describes something universally hailed as sexy, but which is not sexy at all.
My boyfriend wanted to bring whipped cream to bed last night, but I told him, "that is so garter belt."

Leopard skin sheets are garter belt.

Credit: Maggie G. -AZ
by River Ratty October 21, 2005
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