3 definitions by Richard Hofheimer

Fiction, expecially literary fiction, written to promote philogynistic or gender-preferential political, philosphical or artistic agendas and attitudes. Frequently written by talented, but pissy novelistas, who pass all thoughts and words through the gender blender before publishing. Tendency to be sanctimonious and gender-issue-oriented; tendency to be boring to all except True Believers.
I'd rather swim the Channel with rocks in my pockets than read clit lit, you know, like stuff by Gertrude Stein, Woolf, Steinem, Dinensen, Mary McCarthy or Erica Jong.
by Richard Hofheimer February 11, 2009
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A boring, unimaginative and soporific plot or storyline in a work of fiction. Most frequently applied to cinema or television but applicable to written fiction or drama.
The movie's snoreyline drifted from trite situation to situation with no fresh or clever turns to the plot: boring and predictable.
by Richard Hofheimer February 11, 2009
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The mental state of being half asleep, accompanied by confused, fuzzy thinking and frequently bizarre waking-dreams
With the drone of the radio and the warmth of the car I went all muzzy and thought I was back on the roof-garden....
by Richard Hofheimer January 25, 2009
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