1 definition by Red Quadrant

Manlius is a suburb of Syracuse, NY. So in essence it's like saying you are the king and queen of Akron or Youngstown Ohio.... Proof positive that affluence does not equate to refinement, as most of these people who live in Manlius are basically products of blue-collar Syracuse who have managed to shelter their families from the racial and religious minorities and all the boogiemen they fear. As Stepford as they would like to convince themselves, people in southern New England would eat these utter douchebags for lunch...as there really is vacancy between the ears here in Central NY outside of sports, booze, and shopping malls.. Racism and anti-semitism and other variables of narrow minded parochial folks (Bill O'Reilly school of pinhead thinking) are common and rampant here...basically all the bad facets of lower and middle class behavior that happen to live in the "best of a worst" situation in a rotting hellhole known as Central NY. As many like to say.."What's the difference between Manlius NY and Simsbury CT?".....about 100,000 after tax and three steps up on the evolutionary ladder....
Q...Manlius NY
A...Ah Tipperary Hill with Khaki pants.
by Red Quadrant December 22, 2013
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