10 definitions by Raoul Duke

The definition as it has been explained through out the years is NOT to plessure a woman with one finger in her pussy and one finger in her ass. On the contrary it is TWO fingers in the pussy and One in the ass. It is most commonly explained to the unknowing with the following anechdote "Two in the pink, one in the stink"
by Raoul Duke March 21, 2005
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Insanely cool people who hold the humans races only hopes of bringing about the downfall of Capitalism (ie organized crime) which is sold to us in the western world as Democracy.
We also have dick jokes.
" Geez those guys from Furtanken-Sobobed are fucktards "
by Raoul Duke August 1, 2003
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Particularly annoying fucktardbelieved to be the original intended inspiration behind the phrase "Go kick rocks you fuckin fuckwit".
"George Bush is without a doubt one of the biggest Jesterstars I have ever come accross"
by Raoul Duke April 11, 2005
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To be used whenever the correct word escapes you.

Also a versatile insult.
"I can't find my ..errr.... nenis" Nenis replacing anything, e.g. Shoes, hat, car, pants, etc...
by Raoul Duke February 1, 2004
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