3 definitions by Ralph Steadman

The third and most epic of all the high-five days, reminencent of The return of the Jedi and Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles 3, when those crazy turtles go back in time. It has a solid ring to it, and is intended to rally the spirit of severely fatigued concert-goers!
Alewishes: "Hey Ralph, what day is it????"
Ralph: "I don't know man, High-Five Friday."
Alewishes: "Naw, man."
Ralph: "uhhhhh, Super High-Five Saturday."
Alewishes: "Nope, don't think so????"
Together: "Super-dooper high-five sunday" *Slap hands YESSSSSSSSS!!!
by Ralph Steadman July 16, 2006
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The glorious sequel to High-Five Friday, where in which the name of the day is yelled louder and the highfives are harder and more enthusiatic. 'Twas a team effort between Ralph Steadman and Alewishes at The Langerado Music Festival in 2006. If you hear it yelled prepare for a fucking super highfive, and feel the magic that it produces.
Alewishes: "Hey Ralph....What day is it????"
Ralph: "Ummmmm is it high-five Friday????"
Alewishes: "Naw man."
Ralph:"Oh yes, Its Super High-Five Saturday!!!!!!" WooooooooooOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! EHHHHH-OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!
by Ralph Steadman July 16, 2006
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A magical day, which kicks off the weekend. The predecesor of Super High-Five Saturday and Super-Dooper High-Five Sunday. Coined by a man by the name of Jason Ritchie and seen widely at music festivals, one will hear it screamed and be beckoned to give a highfive to this crazy fuck. The act of the highfive is spectacular and truly adds to the enthusiam and team sprit of a festival!
Jason: "High-five Friiiiiiday!!!!!!"
Stranger: (Dumbfounded, see's the dude's hand up and has to give a High-Five."
Aliwishes: "Hey Ralph, what day is it????"
Ralph: "I think it's ummmmmm Thirsty thursday....no, Oh yeah(Raises hand) It's High-five Friday!
by Ralph Steadman July 16, 2006
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