45 definitions by Rajeeb2014

I tend to write kurine like Md. Ziaul Haque, from Sylhet, Bangladesh, who started writing this type of poems for the first time.
by Rajeeb2014 March 24, 2013
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King of Words is the pen name or pseudonym of Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh.
A: I liked Md. Ziaul Haque's pen name a lot!
B: What is his pen name?
A: Well, it is 'King of Words'! Is it not exceptional and beautiful?
B: O yes! It is really a very nice pen name to have!
by Rajeeb2014 July 2, 2018
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Feeling not tired and unhappy because everything is interesting.
A: I never feel unbored.

B: What do you mean by 'unbored'?

A: It means that I do not ever feel tired or unhappy.

B: Where have you got this word from?

A: I have got this word from a quote by Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, actor, researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh. The quote goes: “If human lives were immortal on earth, then everything would be so boring like the mythical Tithonus. But, human lives in the heaven will be endless and there will be no boredom. If God can make us feel bored in the world occasionally, He can surely make us feel unbored in the heaven also!”

B: That's really interesting!

A: Thanks.

B: Pleasure.
by Rajeeb2014 December 20, 2019
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Philogical is a mixture of two words- Philosophical and Logical. It means an idea, expression or thought that is philosophical and logical at the same time.
A: Md. Ziaul Haque, the poet, writer, songwriter, actor, researcher, said that "Soul is the signature of God!"
B: I think this quote is Philogical.
A: What is Philogical?
B: 'Philogical' is a mixture of two words- Philosophical and Logical. It means an idea, expression or thought that is both philosophical and logical. So, Md. Ziaul Haque's quote that you have mentioned just now is philogical because it has philosophical and logical meanings or characteristics.
A: You have said something really logical! Thanks a lot.
B: Welcome.
by Rajeeb2014 June 27, 2018
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The teachers, students, researchers, things etc. of English Language and Literature ELL.
A: I am proud to be an Ellian!
B: Ellian? What does it mean?
A: It means that I am a student of English Language and Literature.

B: That sounds interesting indeed. Then, the plural of Ellian must be Ellians, right?
A: Yeah.
B: Where did you find this new word?
A: I read a Haqueian Verse titled, "ELLians" written by Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, actor, researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh.
B: That's really wonderful! Thanks a lot.
A: Welcome
by Rajeeb2014 July 26, 2019
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An expression of intention to murder someone; a threat by one person or a group of people to kill another person or group of people.
A: My friend Sami has received a deathreat few days ago.
B: What do you mean by 'deathreat'?
A: 'Deathreat' or 'Dethreat' is a mixture of two words: 'Death' + 'Threat'! It means a declaration of an intention or determination to murder someone.
B: That is great! Is 'deathreat' a noun?
A: Yeah!
B: What will be its verb form then?
A: 'Deathreaten'!
B: Can I say that someone has deathreatened to murder your friend?
A: Yes, you can!
B: Who used 'deathreat' or 'dethreat' in this way to express 'death threat' or the 'threat of death' for the first time?
A: Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, songwriter and researcher from Bangladesh used it in his Haqueian Verse titled "Deathreat" and "Dethreat".
B: Thank you so much!
A: It is my pleasure!
by Rajeeb2014 June 23, 2018
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Having the qualities of both prose and poetry.
I am going to write prosetry today.
by Rajeeb2014 February 17, 2016
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