10 definitions by Rabbit

(P)rofessional (H)acker's (L)inux (A)ssult (K)it
A linux Distro that can be used as a live cd.
Dude, have u booted up phlak from the cd, it kicks ass compared to slackware. (slackware is also a very good linux distro)
by Rabbit March 10, 2004
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the above definition is incorrect, because a one ryan abbott in fact gets more pussy than oliver himself, its just that no one knows about it
oliver this should be a hint that something is going on you dont know about
by Rabbit February 6, 2005
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Bet the farm.

When something has a very high possiblity of happening, it is a 'btf'.
Question number 5 on the test is a btf for the exam in December.
by Rabbit July 13, 2005
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to cum on someone
Wow, it 's a sneak attack !
by Rabbit April 15, 2003
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This is a person who is a jackass. He/she does not know what they are doing even when someone tells them. They pretend they are cool but dont realize the group which he is popular in only exists in his mind. They tend to come in peoples rooms and touch everything as if they have a compulsive disorder.
Jin-woo, student who failed semesters at Frostburg State University
by Rabbit November 24, 2003
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A fucktard who carries opinions regarded as fucktarded beyond any human norm, often discrimitory, offensive, and petty.
Example - discriminating against the elderly, proclaiming that 9/11 was planned by the US government.
Pl. Toobii.
Damn, why do you have to be such a toobis?
by Rabbit July 20, 2004
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