2 definitions by R4D1AT10N
A softlock is a savestate in video games where you are placed in an inescapable situation, preventing progress forward in the game, and also preventing backtracking, leaving you stuck in a particular position with no hopes of escaping. This is usually the product of design flaws, overlooked mechanics or levels, or simply glitches embedded in a game.
The most common way to escape a softlock is to restart the game from the beginning.
Examples of a softlock may include but are not limited to: death on spawn, spawning inside a wall, a game autosaving right the instant before you die, etc.
Gamer1: "Dude, the yesterday I reached the hardest level in the game, but the game autosaved while I had 1 HP and a monster was shooting at me. Now everytime I load my save file I die right away!"
The most common way to escape a softlock is to restart the game from the beginning.
Examples of a softlock may include but are not limited to: death on spawn, spawning inside a wall, a game autosaving right the instant before you die, etc.
Gamer1: "Dude, the yesterday I reached the hardest level in the game, but the game autosaved while I had 1 HP and a monster was shooting at me. Now everytime I load my save file I die right away!"
Gamer1: "Dude, the yesterday I reached the hardest level in the game, but the game autosaved while I had 1 HP and a monster was shooting at me. Now everytime I load my save file I die right away!"
Gamer 2: "Wow that sounds like you got softlocked bro. Better create a new save file and hope it doesn't happen again!"
Gamer 1: "Damn it! I had so much progress in that save file!"
Gamer 2: "Wow that sounds like you got softlocked bro. Better create a new save file and hope it doesn't happen again!"
Gamer 1: "Damn it! I had so much progress in that save file!"
by R4D1AT10N October 14, 2014
The main symbol/emote of Twitch.tv. It represents sarcasm, irony, puns, jokes, and trolls alike. If you see this term used outside of Twitch.tv, then this is not the correct definition. Usually used at the end of an ironic or sarcastic sentence. Sentences that contain a Kappa should not be taken seriously. If you search "Kappa Twitch.tv" in Google you can see what the emote looks like, and why it is used as it is. Sentences that use Kappa do not always have to make sense.
by R4D1AT10N October 14, 2014