3 definitions by Quandale. Dingle. Here.

The number you get when you keep adding numbers from the current year in Urban Dictionary

The year Queen Elizabeth will die
The year when there is no need for stealing time machines from the 2033 guy because everybody will have their own personal time machine

The President is Amogus Sussus

10 more than 2074
10 less than 2094
Tom: Have you got to 2084 yet?
Sally: No not yet i'm only on the definition of 2069 so far
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A series of videos where Quandale Dingle talks about his life

it commonly has short clips of memes, referred to as 21st Century Humor.
Quandale Dingle: Hey guys. Quandale Dingle here. When I was 10 years old, my goofy ahh uncle tried to get me to touch his weeny doodle

Girl: wtf was that??
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You're still looking.

The world ends because of overpopulations of Amogusses
It is illegal to not be named Sussus Amogus

The year you find if you keep searching and you have no life
From the year 2093 and there's like 300 amogusses in my house right now.
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