2 definitions by Pyssed

A false belief by oneself by means of dreams or mental anguish drug psychosis or paranoia or put by others to gain dominance or (mind screw )them. Usually pertaining to a belief that is so unreal or impossible or drastic that it shouldn't be perceived as a threat to the person at all but is believed by them due to unknown factors or backed up coincidence or building it up from small lies To screw with them.
In gonna krewticroft him and they will cry ....it will fuck them up
by Pyssed May 22, 2020
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Impossible mind fuck somehow believed by person by means unknown or impossible scenarios.
Im gonna kruticroft that prick to think hes getting laid by her, but i know she hates him.think hell believe it if we have enough back story
by Pyssed May 22, 2020
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