2 definitions by Pyrochicken

Function: Adjective; To be amusing and entertaining at the same time. Commonly used for describing something both highly amusing and entertaining that one word is not enough to cover it, but yet still follows the idea of less is more.
entermused, entermuse
"Rutger Hauer's acting in the last fight scene of Blade Runner was so entermusing I cried."
by Pyrochicken January 14, 2007
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Function: Adjective; To be amusing and entertaining at the same time. Commonly used for describing something both highly amusing and entertaining that one word is not enough to cover it, but yet still follows the idea of less is more.
entermused, entermuse
"Rutger Hauer's acting in the last fight scene of Blade Runner was so entermusing I cried."
by Pyrochicken January 17, 2007
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