3 definitions by Psk

A physical action replacement word for saying that you're pissed.
Other person: oh haaa hah !
You: What the!?.That burns man, drive me to the hospital before I pif-paf yer ass into forever sleepy-time!
by Psk May 29, 2005
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A cool, and athletic dude and all the girls want him. He is a great listener, patient and respectful. He is always encouraging a makes everybody laugh, and always has time for you
Girl: wow that guy was so nice he is totally a Parker Kenny

Girl 2: You should go to parker
by Psk March 12, 2015
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Simply put, jab or jabbs(pl) is the definition for methamphetamines in urban street locales.
Yo ,gots' any jabbs bro? Naw, I slammed mined already,now i flail!
by Psk May 27, 2005
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