1 definition by Private Practicality

A professional who worked through school as a registered nurse, spent exponentially more time with patients than an ivy league prepped medical doctor fresh out of residency, coordinates care better than experienced physicians, knows what happens after a referral is sent, works directly with insurance companies, practices holistic care, still cares about the patients they see, and at a fraction of the cost of a burnt out physician. Like, by a lot. Want less expensive healthcare? go nurse practitioner.
America: "Man, these costs are astronomical!" Shouldn't it be less expensive to provide primary, specialty, non-surgical, preventive care to a larger population?"

Nurse Practitioner: "Yes."


Physician: "Screw rural healthcare, I'm movin to the city!"

Nurse Practitioner: "See ya!"
by Private Practicality February 27, 2020
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