2 definitions by Prirndurbebd

When you take a shit in your gay son’s mouth and he proceeds to piss in your ass crack. Afterwards, he places a funnel in your ass and downs it like a king.
I had the best sex ever. I got a smickywoodle.
by Prirndurbebd April 7, 2022
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When you piss a chunk of jizz, then poop a massive, sticky, smelly piece of poo. (Sometime this poo catches on to your booty hair.) It sticks to the toilet and your mom will scream in terror of this monstrous being.
Mom: Hey son, why is there a muddy rock in our toilet? And why is it so smel- OH MY GOD!

Son: mom it is a splatshitpiss
by Prirndurbebd April 7, 2022
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