3 definitions by Priminio

Short for consensus-enforcing information technology. Con-tech are companies providing products or services such as websites and social media platforms, where opinions of liberal, leftist or woke character, claimed to be the mainstream consensus, are allowed while harmless divergent opinions are suppressed by use of moderation, banning and so-called shadow banning. Con-tech has a low tolerance of perceived political incorrectness and considers such content and users to be impurities.
- You shouldn't use this and that, they're alt-tech!
- Well, I'd love to use con-tech, it's just that I'm not woke enough.
by Priminio March 3, 2021
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Using the word 'racist' as a slur towards someone, despite the recipient not having declared himself to be a racist by words or actions. Commonly used against white people.
Normal person: I don't believe large-scale immigration from developing countries is an appropriate measure to counter the low birth rates in the developed world. Immigrants get old too.
Metaracist: Racist!! All migration is great migration!
NP: Using immigration as a tool to change demographics is just going to create friction. When the native population doesn't have as many babies as you'd like, you can't fill that gap with immigrants and expect the native population not to react negatively.
MR: I'm going to contact your employer and get you fired, bigot!
NP: The thing is, I am self-employed, and---
MR: Reeeeee!! Racist!!
NP: Well, this just seems to be metaracism, really.
by Priminio January 23, 2021
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When stories, logotypes or names, which have been known for years, are edited in order to suit contemporary political tastes. Examples include scenes in movies being modified or cut entirely, changes to the language used or replacement of characters.
- Did you hear they've cut the crows of out Disney's Dumbo?
- Sure. I also heard they're removing the black man from the logo on Uncle Ben's products.
- It's very inclusive and progressive. By changing the name of that football team from Washington, we've basically made up, in part, for the treatment that native americans had to endure in the past.
- Not sure that's true. It seems more like political cosmetics due to recent pressure from activists.
by Priminio January 24, 2021
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