2 definitions by Poppa Capp

An irresponsible gun owner, as in some who makes it possible for an unsupervised child to access a gun.
The boy accidentally shot and killed his sister because their guntard father refused to lock his guns in a safe. The boy thought the gun was a plaything, because that's what his father believed.
by Poppa Capp December 31, 2014
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"Reality TV" for rednecks, such as "Duck Dynasty" or "Honey Boo Boo".
You don't have to be a redneck to enjoy cracker porn, but it helps! I don't watch that s*$t personally, but I am looking forward to the inevitable real-porn parody "Dick Dynasty". Or maybe just "F&#k Dynasty". I'm not sure which way they'll go. Maybe they'll do both!
by Poppa Capp January 1, 2014
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