3 definitions by Pony Boy

tech support term
will never be able to fix the problem on the computer
a person who will never and should never be let near a computer.
We've got a twelve o'clock flasher
by Pony Boy September 10, 2003
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To smoke a marajawna pipe
dude, i smoked a fat bowl lastnight and got so friggin high
by Pony Boy September 10, 2003
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Someone who is shure to die, or is in hella trouble.
That fed shirt fucked up

Comment submitted with request to Delete: "The person is thinking of a member of Star Fleet from the original Star Trek series. Characters wearing a red shirt are of the lowest rank and almost always die. IE - "That red shirt is going down to the planet with them. I give him three minutes 'till he's dead!"
by Pony Boy September 10, 2003
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