2 definitions by PlugDude

A cannabis "placebo", as such.

A non-existant type of cannabis whoes side effects include:

Feeling randy
Seeing white lights as red

The excuse for it being tasteless is due to the fact that it's boiled in milk to take out the flavour, this leads to the 3rd side effect:

The inability to eat dairy products, such as meat.

Used to trick people into thinking they're smoking pot.
Joe: "Are you feeling it yet?"
Shelly: "Yer, I'm well horny"
Shelly: "Why can't I taste it?"
Matt: "Err, 'cos it's been boiled in milk"
by PlugDude June 24, 2005
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A corner shop.

(The term derives from the fact that most cornershops are owned or run by pakis)
I'm going down the pakishop to purchase some Happy Shopper fags.
by PlugDude March 7, 2005
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