4 definitions by Plo_Koon

A series of star wars movies that were made after the original trilogy but take place before it.

They were hated for having bad writting for more than a decade but then got praised for being the biggest meme goldmine known to man, raising their popularity and making the world apriciate them, leading to them being praised as a brilliant movie trilogy and a meme center alike.
Have you ever heard the tragedy of george lucas the wise?
I thought not. It's not a story r/sequelmemes would tell you. it's a r/prequelmemes legend.
George lucas was a film producer of lucasfilms. He was so powerful and so wise he could simulate the prequels to create memes. He had such a knowledge of filmaking he could even keep the memes he wanted from exhausting their pontetial.
The prequel era of star wars is a pathway to many dank abilities memers may consider unatural
Theys became so memable, the only thing george lucas was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught disney everything he knew, then they killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death... but not himself.
by Plo_Koon March 7, 2020
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A depressed 66% inorganic space wizard that hates sand and the high ground.

He talks to his son about the powers of the dark side and how powerful it makes him but he ultimately failed to use it properly to revive his wife that is four years older than him.
Luke Skywalker - How did my father die?

Obi-Wan Kenobi - A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct. Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force.
by Plo_Koon March 7, 2020
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The deadliest and most well made airforce vechicle of all time. They were first deployed by the villagers and are said to be so deadly that they can only be used during emergencies.
It is consistent of multiple villagers that form the shape of a military aircraft and is driven by a talented pilot.

Once one is sent to the air, one can hear a war cry coming from the villagers that form the undestructible aircraft machine, all of them remixing the known soundtrack piece, duel of the fates by john williams as a means of showing that they are ready to rain fire, the significant ''da da da-da! da da da-da!'' sound is responsible for the vechicle's name.

The vechicle can shoot villager bombs stronger than 20 tnt and shoot thick bullets able to destroy any aircraft.
When necessary, the Dalada can phycically strike the target creating an explosion stronger than 50 tnts and destroying the pilot and the vechicle in a considerable hit.
Example #1

Cringey 10 yr old: I like tiktok!


Example #2

Ice age baby: breaths

by Plo_Koon February 27, 2020
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A supreme life form that can basically calculate tirelessly spam do anything in one nanosecond and rickroll you if cultured enough.

It can also break a nokia phone with a single touch defeat shaggy with all the golden weapons say the n-word, and manage to post tv animated series on youtube and still manage to survive.
But fortnite bots, these ones are just crap
reCAPTCHA: if you are a human please select all the people in this photo

roasty roboto: you mean the extremely unintelligent and uncreatively programmed mess?

reCAPTCHA: fine then please select the extremely unintelligent and uncreatively programmed mess

roasty roboto: Imma bout to ruin this man's whole career
by Plo_Koon January 31, 2020
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