4 definitions by Plastercaster
The several hundred facebook updates that fill up your inbox when you "Like" or reply to a comment that then becomes a source of heavy debate.
I received 53 emails, and I thought some of them might have been useful; actually I'd just been facebombed.
by Plastercaster May 7, 2010
The only phrase ever uttered by Asians, esp. the Chinese. To be spoken only in poor Asian accent. May be assisted with a "scrape" motion for added comedy effect. This is achieved by two downward movements of the hand, in time with the word Scrape, and with fingers spread, fingertips and palm facing towards the ground
Brian: Can You show me the way to the wok shop please.
Scrape: SCRAPE scraaape? oooHHHHHHhhhh, scrape scrape!
Celine Dion: Scrape, Scrape, Whereeeeever you scrape...
Scrape: SCRAPE scraaape? oooHHHHHHhhhh, scrape scrape!
Celine Dion: Scrape, Scrape, Whereeeeever you scrape...
by Plastercaster May 16, 2008
A phrase that any man can say to his spouse or significant other, meaning "I agree with you" to her but "shut up" to him.
Hannah: Dave, you never do the washing up, it's your turn tonight.
Dave (aloud): Yes dear
Dave (Internal monologue): Shut up. I'm going to the pub.
Dave (aloud): Yes dear
Dave (Internal monologue): Shut up. I'm going to the pub.
by Plastercaster January 20, 2010
by Plastercaster July 14, 2008