13 definitions by Pimp-Master J

A great all purpose word that can be used in many ways for many things.
A place you can hide things in girls. Chris is always trying to find things to stick up his fiance's arse.
by Pimp-Master J July 12, 2006
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A drug thats actually really good if you like being in somewhat of a coma drooling over yourself foe 8 hours straight like some people I know. It's the one that killed Heather Graham in Drug Store Cowboy.
I know someone who got hit by a taxi and busted his shoulder up so the doctor prescribed him 50 Delodid. When he came back for a check up a few days later, the doctor asked if he had been given anything for the pain. He said no and the doctor prescribed him another 50.
by Pimp-Master J May 4, 2006
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1: When a woman asks you to cum on a muffin for her to then eat the muffin, the cum (spunk) acting as a sort of icing to increase the taste.

2: You can call your girlfriend Spunk Muffin as a pet name if you do this with her.
1: I came on the double chocolate chip muffin instead of her face and she then proceeded to eat the spunk muffin whole.

2: Hey there my little spunk muffin, how was your day?
by Pimp-Master J May 2, 2006
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1. A manly man film, where manly man men do manly man things with each other. Staring Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer being...well, gay. This film was made in the 80's and is about fighter pilots fighting in war. A very manly thing to do but, a little too manly as it has huge overtones of homosexuality that have been spoken about since the films release. Tarantino has made reference to these overtones before and, as such has popularised the theory a bit more. This film also has one of the most sexy scenes in film history...if you are a fag, or a woman. Men in Speedos playing vollyball. Hmm, where did all these gay theorys come from...I wonder.

2. When two guys sit down and give each other a hand job. Their other hand may then be used to tickle the balls.
I wonder where this act got it's name from...Hmm?
This one time I saw a small child sucking off this old man in the park and then the man came all over the little boys face who licked it all off and swallowed it, and that was the gayest thing I ever saw until I watched Top Gun.
by Pimp-Master J June 7, 2006
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A hard hitting rebel who plays by his own rules. A man of few words who don't take no crunk of nobody.
That Mr. Corleone is such a Maverick Renegade.
by Pimp-Master J May 4, 2006
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Another word for cunt. Can be used on it's own or along with cunt.
Jim shit the fuck up you features.

Nobody likes that kid Paul, he's such a cunt-features.
by Pimp-Master J May 4, 2006
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