2 definitions by Picklelishiouse

An amazing guy. He is well built and very athletic. Zaca can be shy at sometimes but once you get to know him he is amazing. He loves music. Has an amazing music taste and you can say it’s his life. Zaca has many friends and loves that they are his friends. It is difficult to get him to like you but after you get him, he will never leave you. If your relationship ends it’s not because of him but you because he would never hurt you.
You are so lucky you have an amazing guy like Zaca.
by Picklelishiouse January 4, 2018
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Eva is a straight up bitch. She will claim people (mostly guys) as her own. She will put up this cute and sweet act but will completely stab you in the back.
Ugh don’t be such an Eva. Know one will like you if you act like that.
by Picklelishiouse January 4, 2018
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