3 definitions by Peppa pig ๐Ÿ–

Rumaisa may be the most sarcastic person you will ever meet, u will get used to it eventually. Rumaisa knows who the true friends are and when she knows it, she can finally be herself, u will hate her from how open and annoying she is but love that's she always there for u whenever u need it. Rumaisa is the person u can tell all ur secrets and she will never mention a word. She's that person u can trust and she is a very straightforward person. You'll love Rumaisa and will never get bored of her presence, she always tells the stupidest jokes ever and because they're so stupid it's funny and u can't stop laughing.
She's been talking to them for hours yet they're still not bored and there hasn't been an awkward silence, I think that talker is a Rumaisa
by Peppa pig ๐Ÿ– October 21, 2018
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Mahay is a very nice and sarcastic person, she can make ur day go from bad to amazing, she's there for u when u need it and when u don't, she's still there. She's hilarious and will make u laugh till u cry. She's very pretty at the same time and can be very smart at times but stupid at others (Stupid in a good and unique way). Everyone likes her because shes always herself, she always knows who the true people are and is a straightforward person
I think she's a Mahay, look at those people crying over there, they've been laughing for hours
by Peppa pig ๐Ÿ– October 21, 2018
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A Karen who thinks that homosapien means that youโ€™re homosexual.
โ€œMom, our teacher taught us about homosapiens, did you know that we are homosapiens, both you and me?โ€
โ€œOh hell no Timmy, I am a heterosapien and so are you. We are not homosexual.โ€
by Peppa pig ๐Ÿ– May 20, 2020
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