4 definitions by People Person

Used for emphasis another word for cool or hot digity!
by People Person December 8, 2003
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A word annoying white fat kids say it’s honestly the most cringeworthy thing too hear
“A southside g
Omfg stfu you dumb cunt”
by People Person February 3, 2019
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A Indian looking man that could be mistaken by the character from phineas and ferb baljiet not the straightest person but a cool one
Oh is that baljiet oh no it just Bernardo
by People Person December 29, 2018
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Sheliah a great friend that will help you out in a tough situation. When Sheliah loves she will do anything for her loved ones . A reliable friend that you can tell any secret. Sheliah is very jealous when it comes to her lover though.
Sheliah can you help me with the homework ?

Yes I have the answers
by People Person December 23, 2013
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