2 definitions by Patrick the Bear

A sexual move relating to the Twilight series of books where a male will shave his pubic region prior to fellatio, and after ejaculating onto his partner's face, the hair is thrown on the face , sticking to said ejaculate (much like the gorilla mask) however as the hair is thrown on the face, one must howl like a wolf to get the desired effect. Some also stomp on their partner's toe to achieve an involuntary howl. See also "Team Edward"
"damn bro, did you hear chet gave Laura a team Jacob at the party? There was hair all over the place afterwards!
by Patrick the Bear April 14, 2011
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A sexual move relating to the Twilight series of books,where one party ingests a large amount of goldschlager (or any gold flake infused schnapps) and essentially urinates directly on their partner ( essentially a new variation of the classic golden shower) . The theory is that the gold dust particles on the urine will make the recipient sparkle in the sunlight in the morning (much like Twilight saga vampires, etc.) See also "Team Jacob"

An alternative move of the same name involves a male receiving fellatio, and when reaching orgasm the male will ejaculate on his partner's face, and throw a handful of pearlescent craft glitter (or any other color available) onto said partner's face creating the famous "sparkling vampire" effect. Similar to a "Gorilla mask" but with a more festive outcome.
Bro! his morning they found Laura passed out on the back porch passed out smelling like piss and sparkling like crazy.. She must have switched sides and chet gave her a "Team Edward".
by Patrick the Bear April 14, 2011
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