4 definitions by PTM2019

Place where men, who are friends, enjoy chilling but five feet appart each other because they are not gay.
"Two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet appart 'cause they're not gay!"
by PTM2019 January 15, 2019
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You're probably here from that SNL sketch with Melissa McCarthy. We told you not to look for this !!
"I would like to guess the phrase... PASS THE MASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - M.McCarthy - 2014 - SNL
by PTM2019 January 15, 2019
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White shit in the air falling from the sky. Eatable
"The fuck, the fuck, the fuck is in the air, the fuck, the fuck, there's white shit everywhere"

(shit = snow urban dictionary)
by PTM2019 January 15, 2019
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