4 definitions by PDuB

the most beautiful girl in the world always has your back shes sexy funny and fun to talk to she has a great personality and smile if you ever meet a deyah never let her go
Don't ever let that deyah go.
by PDuB February 25, 2013
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in her retirement, martina navratalova is putting down her raquet and taking up been flicking on a full time-basis
by PDuB July 27, 2003
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a piece of marijuana that is either drawn through a pipe, or a joint. also pertains to people who eat weed and get bits in their teeth.
whats wrong?

*pulls something off tounge*
just got a scooby snack.
by PDuB March 6, 2005
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Someone who only attends events or places of interest to have their picture taken. For example, someone who travels to San Francisco, goes to Muir Woods, takes a picture with an ancient Redwood tree and then leaves.
by PDuB June 15, 2018
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