2 definitions by OnePeat

To give complete and absolute agreement to a statement or question. It may also serve as an affirmative answer to a question.
LSU was the only 2003 National Champion in college football. You best blee dat.

Hey, Clean, are you going to take down some racist knuckleheads?

Mr. Clean: "Blee dat."
by OnePeat June 23, 2008
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1. A man with less than 10% body fat, who is deliberately bald, stronger than steel, faster than lightning, harder than Angola, wiser than Solomon, sweeter than saccharin, and does not put up with haters.

2. A man who resembles in physical appearance the Mr. Clean of Proctor & Gamble cleaning products advertising.


1. Describing attributes of one who is opposed to racism, tyranny, injustice, and haters.
You seen Mr. Clean, bruh?

Nah, man. Mr. Clean repin' that BOOT and them Jena 6, ya heard.

If you ever try to start something with Mr. Clean, he will pounce on you because he's crazy like that.


You got to be Mr Clean stuntin' to be in Team Clean.
by OnePeat June 24, 2008
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