3 definitions by Ogus Bogus

A word referencing to when the 2 words "a" and "mongoose" are said relatively fast in a sentence. They must be together for this affect to come in play.
The cobra's dangerous predator appears "A mongoose". "Amongus"
by Ogus Bogus October 11, 2023
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Most people would assume a "Speaker" is a remote controlled explosive. However the real meaning is much different. See many ways can describe this "Speaker". Philosophically a "Speaker" is a rotated pie cut into 30ths. The pie should be turned 904 degrees from its original rotation and should have a bite taken out of the 8th segment. Once this is done it can be referred properly to as a "Speaker". A more common meaning (The neurological meaning) is when a car hits a duck, going roughly -1 mph. This can be referred to as a "speaker" though a nickname/slang is a "Quacker". Now the meaning therapeutically is completely different, looking into your mind you will see that the electromagnetic signals can be sent to your ears, this is referred to as a "Spoker" but when it goes out the ear and hits your grandfather in the eye. It is referred to as a "speaker"
1. Wow that's a magnificent speaker Grandma! 2. Oh no the poor duck, that's such a speaker! 3. Oh no the poor duck, what a quacker! 4. Oh, I think I just got a spoker. 5. Grandpa is your eye okay? That speaker was fast!
by Ogus Bogus October 11, 2023
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Harry is the name of a fly when a person named "Harr" and a "Fly" come in close contact, Approximately 1 metre. Combining the two gives you Harry.
Oh wow! Look its a Harry!
by Ogus Bogus October 11, 2023
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