1 definition by Oakleytay

Mika is a beautiful girl with big hazel/brown eyes. She has a huge sense of humor and will always have a joke to tell .She will do anything for you if you need her and has the biggest and kindest heart.Mika is very sensitive and can be hurt very easily but she is a very loyal friend.Mika is very dedicated and never gives up if she wants to achieve something. Mika is vet unique and spontaneous. Mika is very talented both athletically and musically and varies in different activities. Mika is very creative and is not scared to say how she feels. Mika can be very shy and quite at first but once you get to know her you get to see her true self.
“Mika has the kindest heart in the world” said a family member
by Oakleytay May 27, 2019
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