3 definitions by O_shady 123456

Oshadi is the definition of TALL. It revolves around anything that is generally tall or 'so-called' tall.

Some people believe that Oshadi was named after a goddess that is known to be tall, with many talents and gifted features.
Omg you are so oshadi!
by O_shady 123456 March 27, 2018
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Lettuce. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I had some Romaine yesterday.
by O_shady 123456 May 14, 2018
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Shenoli is the definition of our life or world our WHOLE existence. There is no named example for this word as it implies a series of other words (millions). Shenoli is EVERYTHING.
by O_shady 123456 March 23, 2018
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