20 definitions by NydriAyo

An extremely flexible word that can be used to express excitement, agreement, or force. It is generally a verb.
1. I just yoted all over the floor.

2. This bitch empty! YEET! *throws bottle*

3. •Hey you wanna play some Smash Bros.?

by NydriAyo May 13, 2018
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1. A epic-rarity item from the popular game Fortnite that would cause the user to gradually regenerate 25 shield HP and 25 normal HP over a period of 25 seconds.
2. Another word for cum.
1. Ay man drop me that slurp juice I'm at low shield
2. Gimme some more of that slurp juice daddy, I'm thirsty *sexual moaning*
by NydriAyo May 13, 2018
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To delete someone is to defeat him/her in a video game so hard that their account gets removed and their head explodes
Bro you just deleted that bitch from the entire fucking game
by NydriAyo May 13, 2018
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An online browser game that is generally a knockoff of the popular game Fortnite but is actually pretty fun anyways
heyo wan do some surviv.io squads
by NydriAyo May 13, 2018
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A noise that is extremely loud, so loud in fact that it is supposed to hurt one's ears. It is commonly paired with deep fried videos and an very heavy base and is usually used to express something to an extremity or simply as a form of humor for deep fried or surreal memes
*EaRrApE* yEs DaDdY *eXpLoDeS*
by NydriAyo May 13, 2018
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Though it could have a wide variety of definitions, the word thicc generally means to have a desirable body shape that may reflect the hourglass body shape, with particularly large breasts, thighs, and buttocks. However, when using the term thicc, it usually refers to the waist/thigh area, especially the thighs.
Her thighs are so thicc they could snap a watermelon in half.
by NydriAyo May 13, 2018
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