2 definitions by Nova Scrotia

Experiencing embarrassment in the present when you remember something you did or said in the past that, at the time, you did not realize was embarrassing.
My remembarrassment was great when I realized the catchy tune I loved singing as a kid was from a commercial about VD.
by Nova Scrotia April 26, 2011
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A person who is nasty in their appearance, mannerisms, barely intelligible utterances, personal hygiene and/or behaviors who is also a boorish asshole, yet is either unaware or unconcerned of the unpleasant effect they have on those around them; for example, Ted Nugent.
Person A: Would you please give me an apple.
Person B: Sure.
Person A: Hey, man, did you just spit on my apple before polishing it on the seat of your shit-stained pants?

Person B: Yeah, so what's your point? (takes large bite of apple)
Person A: You are a complete Nasthole.
by Nova Scrotia July 4, 2013
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