2 definitions by NinjaStar

When you and a buddy of yours (both must be men) are thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time.
Mason - "if you do could any celeb, who would you do?"
Axel - "jessica alba or olivia munn"
Mason - "dude holy shit those are the two people I was gonna say"
Axel - "We were on the same manlength"
by NinjaStar July 15, 2008
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Sexiest man in the world gets all the girls and has a great sence of humour and uber attractive he also is very tall and smart and strong and can beat the shit out of anyone in volleyball. But in the end has has a great passion for video games such as zelda and pokemon
OMG is that stefan he is so cool
by NinjaStar May 14, 2012
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